Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Story of Ollie

This is Ollie
 Ollie didn't always look this way. He started out as an old rusty 1945 Simplicity Model B 2 wheel garden tractor that a friend gave to Tommy. After a lot of work and figuring he turned into a really sharp little tractor. I'm going to show some pics of the project as it came together.

This is a pic at the first. Tommy had added a 5 hp motor that came off a tiller that another friend gave him

Side view

Tommy made a wagon to hook to Ollie. He used old poplar boards that we took down when we were tearing down the old house. He ran them through the planer and then I put several coats of polyurethane on them.

This is the donor that gave the wagon its wheels and axle. It was another thing that someone gave us. We are so fortunate to have such generous friends. We try not to throw anything around here away because there is always a chance we can find a use for it at some time.

Ollie made his debut at Old Timers Day at our church. Ollie only had a front shield on. Tommy still has to put some more metal on the sides and top.  Our grandson Joseph had a big time that day. He was in tractor heaven with tractors everywhere he looked. He even got to eat some homemade ice cream this year. The year before this he was too little to have any, but I wanted to feed him some so bad.

Welding the sides and top on. We were trying to get Ollie ready to go to Pinckneyville, Illinois to the 2011 Annual Thresermans Show. They were featuring Oliver tractors that year.  We were able to haul Ollie and the wagon in the back of the truck. This was a lot better than hauling a big tractor on a trailer to go that far. And we were able to pull the camper and have a place to stay while we are there. We camped at the Duquoin fairgrounds which is not far from Pville.

Ollie is all ready for his big trip.

He fit in the truck perfectly! Now all we had to do was hook to the camper and take off to Pville. It was so nice to just drive through the gate and unload Ollie and then  ride around the show with him. They have a huge flea market and the grounds are very big. He got lots of smiles from people. 

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