We planted butter beans this year. We haven't had any in years in the garden and now I remember why. They take forever to get any beans on them and then they are so hard to pick when they start getting ready. You have to hunt for them and then when you get them picked and shelled you don't have enough to amount to anything. We have had one mess to eat so far and then I put up 3 bags in the freezer. They should be called golden beans, I think for all the time that is put into them. I told Tommy yesterday that I really didn't even like to eat them that much either. After he spent so much time picking the row and then shelling them yesterday, I know he liked to hear me say that :) He also does most of the picking of the okra. If I pick it I almost feel like I am putting on a hazmat suit after I get all rigged up in long sleeves and rubber gloves to keep from itching. We planted red okra along with the regular okra this year. We grew it last year when we waited too long to get seed and red was all we could find. We have a friend that always grows red okra and she was saying that she really likes it. The pods are real skinny and it has these hairy things at the top that you have to cut off when you are putting it up.
Our butterbeans that we will have to hoard this winter |
This is the red okra |
It is raining again today. I can't believe all the rain we have had this summer. So much different than last year. I haven't had to water the garden at all. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
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