Monday, September 30, 2013

Dreary Monday

Woke up to a dreary morning. It rained all day yesterday, so I stayed in except to go to church and do chores. It was a nice rain, not like a lot of the ones lately that came so fast and hard. I have an update on my computer saga. I went this weekend and got me a laptop! I really can't believe it. I got a Dell at Walmart-I know what some of you are thinking :) But, so far I have been well pleased with it. I am not so fond of Windows 8, but had done enough research that I was aware of a  lot of the problems with it. Going from Vista to 8 will take a lot of practice, but I can exercise my brain. It's really not that bad, it's just that people like me don't accept change too well. And I must say, Vista wasn't anything to brag about. Seems like every time we decide to get a new computer, it is when there is a questionable operating system.

We have 10 ewes with lambs now. I will put some pics of the new ones on here soon. We went to look at some more ewes last week, but didn't get them. They were Katahdins and bred to a Katahdin ram. They belonged to the fellow in Kentucky where we got our 12 Katahdin ewes last year.

Tommy is in the process of plowing up a field to sow down this fall. I will post something about that later.

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