Monday, September 30, 2013

Dreary Monday

Woke up to a dreary morning. It rained all day yesterday, so I stayed in except to go to church and do chores. It was a nice rain, not like a lot of the ones lately that came so fast and hard. I have an update on my computer saga. I went this weekend and got me a laptop! I really can't believe it. I got a Dell at Walmart-I know what some of you are thinking :) But, so far I have been well pleased with it. I am not so fond of Windows 8, but had done enough research that I was aware of a  lot of the problems with it. Going from Vista to 8 will take a lot of practice, but I can exercise my brain. It's really not that bad, it's just that people like me don't accept change too well. And I must say, Vista wasn't anything to brag about. Seems like every time we decide to get a new computer, it is when there is a questionable operating system.

We have 10 ewes with lambs now. I will put some pics of the new ones on here soon. We went to look at some more ewes last week, but didn't get them. They were Katahdins and bred to a Katahdin ram. They belonged to the fellow in Kentucky where we got our 12 Katahdin ewes last year.

Tommy is in the process of plowing up a field to sow down this fall. I will post something about that later.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Monday!

Starting off another week. I hope it is not quite as busy as last week was. The weather has been so beautiful the last few days. I love fall. We went to Paducah this weekend to the annual tractor show the Lion's Club has. It was perfect weather for it. It did rain Friday and I am so thankful for that. We took the 550 Oliver and Ollie. Tommy drove the 550 in the parade. I spent a lot of time looking at the flea market. Didn't find any treasures this year :( I didn't take a whole lot of pics, but here are a few.

                                Waiting to unload after we got there

                                                 Ollie and the 550

This was a cool old car that a friend of ours had for sale at the flea market

 I wish this pic had turned out better. This fellow had built a tractor shed around his tractor and was driving around with it. Very ingenious.
 He had this skunk on the front and when he would pull on a rope from inside the shed, it would turn and spray. I know this because it sprayed on me.
               This was an exhibit of pedal tractors from Union City, Indiana
                                                 Very impressive!

                        This is only a few of the many tractors on display

                          The pedal tractor exhibit had a lot of Olivers
               There were only a few Oliver tractors there but this one was a beauty

      This is our good friend Marvin lined up for the parade. Don't know what        Tommy is checking out.

Hope everyone has a great week!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Happy Birthday, Tommy

Today is my husband's birthday. We have spent many birthdays together during our 41+ years of marriage. He had a fun time spending the day in the hay field. I guess he planned it that way since he cut the hay so it would bale today. The weather certainly didn't cooperate, though. It was mostly overcast with the sun only making appearances every now and then. We got more done than I expected to. It even spit a little rain on us at times. That has been the case so many times this year in the hay fields. I square baled some and Tommy did the round baling. We didn't get through, so if it doesn't rain tonight or tomorrow, we will finish.

This is the tractor with the hay cutter. Our grandson, Joseph calls this "his tractor"

                                  Getting the square baler ready to bale
                               Working his way down the windrow
                        Very old baler, very old tractor, not too old driver
                              Another vintage tractor, baler and driver

                              Shyann enjoying the day in the field

                         A view of part of the field and a hard day's work

This is a barn that Tommy and a friend restored for the lady that owns this farm

Happy Birthday to my husband and best friend!!!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sheep update

We have still just had 2 ewes to lamb so far. I don't know what they are waiting on. If they are waiting on cooler weather then today is the day! It is another beautiful day. We turned the 2 ewes with lambs out Friday in a small lot. The babies sure did a lot of jumping around. I know the ewes are glad to be able to graze again.

We spent the morning at church and Tommy has gone to cut the last of our hay for this year. Have a wonderful Sunday!

Monday, September 9, 2013

A GRAND Weekend

I spent this past weekend with my 2 GRANDsons, Joseph and James. Tommy and I watched them while Julie had a night out with friends. James is a year old now and has changed a lot since the last time we saw him. He is jabbering up a storm now even though I don't have a clue as to what he is saying. Joseph is three and has started preschool and I could tell differences in him too. He is still all about riding tractors with Paw Paw and playing with his farm toys, but he would say and do things that he has picked up on at school. James spent a lot more time outside this time even though his crawling sometimes presented a problem. He can walk, but when he really wants to go somewhere, he crawls(and he is fast). He doesn't care if it is wet grass, gravel, concrete or whatever. James loves to eat and Joseph still doesn't care much about food. Joseph does say, "I want a cookie and choc moo," quite often.  Joseph rode in the tractor while Tommy cut some hay Friday afternoon after they got here. Then on Sunday he was asking if we were going to bale it. When we told him it might be too wet to bale, he said "Yes we will bale it", but he had to go home before we did decide to go on and bale it. I know he would have been fascinated with how the square baler worked.

            This is before and after Tommy took Joseph to get his hair cut.   

 James loves to play with tractors too, and when he can swipe one from his brother he knows what to do with it.

                          James likes playing with the old Fisher Price barn

        James is quite the ham! He is wearing his brother's pj's on his head
                                  But this is what James likes to do best
       Joseph couldn't leave without getting to take a ride with Paw Paw and Ollie

I so wish I had taken more pics of Joseph on the tractors. I really wanted to take one of him sitting on the 1850 Oliver pulling the load of square bales he helped us load. And one on the tractor cutting hay. I think it had to do with making sure James didn't get away from me. And I didn't get a picture of either of them with the new baby lambs. Joseph seemed fascinated with them and of course that made me Happy, Happy, Happy. Joseph also loved to gather the eggs and even had 2 that he kept out for himself. He told me that they had chicks in them :) And they did-they just needed someone to sit on them. It was a very special weekend and was spent making lots of good memories.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Our first lambs

We have our first lambs! They were born yesterday. I am pretty excited about it.
She had twin ram lambs. They are very cute. I haven't got to spend much time with them because we have been so busy with hay. I am glad that it has cooled down some. Now I am just waiting for the next ones to arrive.

They are wagging their little tails