Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Tribute to Shyann

Tommy and I lost our best friend this week. Shyann, our border collie, died doing something she loved to do. She was helping us get up cattle so we could wean calves. She was a huge part of our life on the farm and will not be forgotten. She came to live with us in May 2006. I could tell almost from the beginning that she was something very special. She always gave love unconditionally never asking for anything in return. I am so grateful to have been blessed with such a wonderful companion and she will be missed. Here are just a few pics of her life with us.

                                                 She loved sheep

When she was younger, she didn't mind having her picture taken. But as she got older it was harder to get a good picture of her.

                                             Out in the hay field

                                      Playing with Chloe in the snow
                     She was happy except for when it was thundering or someone
                                               was shooting a gun.

                                    She loved watching the baby chicks
    She would go wacky over a garden hose when you were running water
Here she is with Julie and Shelby. One of her things she would do is put her foot on you until you petted her.
                 She dearly loved playing with the bad cuz that Julie got for her.
                              She loved Joseph and liked looking out for him.

When we got the ranger, she really didn't want to ride in it, but she soon learned to come running any time it was cranked up.

Rest in peace, Shyann

Monday, November 11, 2013


I haven't forgot about my blog, but have just been too busy to take the time to put something on here. We are busy today getting ready for the weather change that is headed our way. I am not looking forward to lows in the 20's and highs in the 40's. Hope that is not a preview of what the upcoming winter is going to be like. We are trying to get ready to wean calves.

Have a great week!!